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No longer living in the quiet countryside, we are now quite happy living in the beautiful city of Toronto.
We still offer a fabulous collection of pieces ranging from mid-century modern design to French antiques with quite a lot in between. Interior styling and decorating is also offered.
Please check back frequently as I'll be updating with before and after photos as well as new acquisitions.

Cheers, Roni & Jeff

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Family Traditions for Christmas

We now have a little tradition between myself and my son's girlfriend, Carrie. It started last Christmas with me finding a 'lovely' little wall decoration for Carrie. It was wrapped in its own separate box specially for her. I made a fuss about it while she was unwrapping it, making her more anxious to reveal what was inside. The look on her face was priceless. Unfortunately I do not have a photo of my gift. I'm pretty sure it was homemade. It was a welcome plaque complete with ducks and lace and cut out hearts. So this year I felt obliged to carry on with this gift exchange. I wrapped up a 'delightful' Chinese calendar complete with horoscope information. I had no idea that I would become part of this ruse. Here I was unwrapping my Christmas present only to find another homemade goodie. Game on, Carrie! Can't wait for next Christmas.
On a more serious note, I do love the gift that Carrie made me. In a vintage teak frame, she made a template that reads 'today is fabulous because:". We simply use a whiteboard marker on the glass to change it as often as we like. It is a great idea and we use it all the time. It really does make us stop and realize how lucky we are.

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